How to Find Wisdom… from Anton Checkov and a “Grim, Drunken Face”

Rummaging through an old musty stack of well worn books, my eye was for some reason drawn to a tattered green volume, that looks as though it had been passed over by a hundred previous hands. I picked it up and flipping though the aged pages felt a surge of anticipation flow through me. A … Continue reading How to Find Wisdom… from Anton Checkov and a “Grim, Drunken Face”

Are You An Accuser or an Advocate?

A few days ago, I was challenged by a great friend to consider the following question. "Are you an accuser or an advocate?" The question was posed in the middle of a conversation about what it means to truly reflect the heart of Jesus in all of our interactions. It was asked in a spirit … Continue reading Are You An Accuser or an Advocate?

4 Things to Do Right Now to Guarantee a Great Life!

Authentic generosity never disappoints! It is counter intuitive, but true! When we give... we have less, but always feel like we have more. Why is this? God is the ultimate example of generosity. Everything we have, has been given to us by our extravagantly generous God. Our breath, our life, our salvation, our relationships and … Continue reading 4 Things to Do Right Now to Guarantee a Great Life!

A Tale of Two Olympians: Why Counterfactual Thinking Will Change Your Life!

Every couple of years, my family engages in two week of binge watching the Olympic Games. For months we countdown the days to the Opening Ceremony. We clear our calendar in order to spend time watching sports to which we pay no attention in the intervening years. We buy patriotic apparel, glow sticks and flags … Continue reading A Tale of Two Olympians: Why Counterfactual Thinking Will Change Your Life!

Why Freedom Requires Honor: A very short American history!

Divisive political ideology, racial discrimination and theological dogma seem to be tearing us apart more and more each day. Contemporary discourse continually pits religious, political, social and racial factions in opposition to one another.   Our nation was founded on the incredibly radical notion of freedom and equality for all, and yet the controversies of our time seem to move us further from the ideals upon which we were established. Consider the second sentence of the Declaration of Independence...

Rain, Running, Misery… and a Way to Choose Optimism!

My alarm reverberated obnoxiously, disrupting the stillness of my sleep far too early this morning. I am committed to wake up early in order to exercise, read and pray.  However, each morning when the alarm rings, it is a fight to keep these commitments.  My brain comes up with every conceivable excuse to avoid getting … Continue reading Rain, Running, Misery… and a Way to Choose Optimism!

10 Tips for Finding a Mentor… and Why You Should Stop Listening to Almost Everyone Else!

If you feel stuck right now, you might be allowing too many voices to be contributing to your life! You might need to stop listening to just about everyone! Let me explain... There are two ways to learn how to be a rock climber.  You can hire a guide or find a mentor.  Both guides … Continue reading 10 Tips for Finding a Mentor… and Why You Should Stop Listening to Almost Everyone Else!

What do Exploring Antarctica and Succeeding in Life Have in Common?

On one of his expeditions to Antarctica, famed explorer Ernest Shakleton aptly named his ship the Endurance.  At that point, the southern most continent was an unexplored polar desert, thought by many to be unexplorable due to the harsh conditions.  It was one of the last great undiscovered and uncharted places on earth. Shackleton knew … Continue reading What do Exploring Antarctica and Succeeding in Life Have in Common?

If You Are a Great Listener… I Need Your Help!

Do you ever feel like you are talking, but the other person just isn't listening?  They are looking at you and nodding their head... but as soon as you finish, they interject with their perspective, story or thoughts that seem to be disconnected from what you were just talking about? Are you ever the person, patiently … Continue reading If You Are a Great Listener… I Need Your Help!

A Biblical Response to Social Tension!

When you turn on the television, open a newspaper or surf any news provider’s website these days, it will not be long before you come face to face with the fact that our society is currently wrestling with a wide range of really challenging issues. Racial and ethnic tensions abound across our nation. Bitterness, animosity … Continue reading A Biblical Response to Social Tension!